
What You Should Know About STDs

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can trigger major complications that include infertility. They can be transmitted during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral sex), even if, some of them are not exclusively transmitted genitally.

The AIDS virus and hepatitis B or C, for example, can be transmitted through the blood. Other diseases or infections can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. Finally, there are other modes of infrequent transmissions, such as saliva, oral-genital contact, soiled objects or towels, swimming pool, sauna and more.

If you have symptoms or if you want to be reassured by unprotected sex, you can go to a screening center or choose a doctor’s consultation. The doctor will examine you or prescribe a blood test to check if you have been infected by an STD. The screening centers also allow you to test, ensuring a high level of responsiveness and total anonymity.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is an STD that causes painful sores on and around the genitals. Viruses of the same family cause cold sores in the mouth. There is no cure for genital herpes and wounds reappear from time to time. You must avoid sexual intercourse until their disappearance. The disease can be transmitted to sexual partners even in the absence of symptoms.

Itching or tingling of the genital area can occur a few days or a week after the sexual intercourse. Small blisters appear soon after, burst and turn into painful wounds that persist for two to four weeks. Headaches and fever sometimes accompany the first crisis. In women, wounds are usually found inside or outside the vagina, near the anus or on the thighs and buttocks. They can also infect the mouth after an oral relationship.


Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, which is sometimes caused by microbes transmitted during sexual intercourse. The symptoms vary depending on the source of the infection. These include abnormal vaginal discharge and smelly, itching or pain outside or inside the vagina, redness and swelling on the outside of the vagina as well as pain during intercourse or urination (while urinating).

Possible causes include yeast or fungus infections due to pregnancy, birth control pills, diabetes or antibiotics. The same applies to trichomonas vaginalis, a microbe that is not normally found in the vagina and can spread during sexual intercourse. Men often have no symptoms and can contaminate their partner without knowing it. Some have slight penile discharge, with or without burning during urination (urinating).

Vaginitis is usually treated with creams or pills. When it is sexually transmitted, the partner must also do the treatment, even if he has no symptoms, otherwise, you may be contaminated again. Avoid wearing fitted pants, pantyhose, and synthetic undergarments until healing.


This disease can lead to serious health problems, especially in women. It can infect the baby’s eyes at birth. Symptoms usually appear three to five days after intercourse, but there may not be any. The symptoms can come in the form of a vaginal discharge, a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the abdomen, often accompanied by fever and chills.

Suffers can feel during the sexual act or notice a thick, creamy, yellow-green discharge from the penis. Affected individuals can experience pain or swelling in the testicles.

Gonorrhea is transmitted through oral, oral and anal sex. It is treated with antibiotics and when neglected, it can cause serious health problems. These include chronic pain in the lower abdomen, the spread of Falcopus tube, uterine and testicular microbes that can cause infertility, an ectopic pregnancy, and joint pain.


Syphilis is a serious disease that can affect the whole body. You can have it and spread the infection without knowing. It can cause birth defects or even death of the fetus. It is usually treated with antibiotics.

Syphilis has three stages: First stage: Non-painful wounds occur where the microbe enters the body, usually 9 to 90 days after having sex with an infected person. Wounds inside the vagina or anus may go unnoticed and disappear without treatment, but the microbe remains in the body.

Second stage: From six weeks to six months after infection, symptoms similar to flu may occur. Eruptions can appear in various parts of the body; it is possible that they disappear without treatment, but the microbe remains active. Third stage: If the disease is not treated, it can cause serious health problems, including heart disease, blindness, paralysis, brain damage, and death.

More information is available on http://www.chlamydiahometest.net and chlamydiahometestkits.com.