Many ways exist for people to protect themselves when the need arises. One good way for self-defense is by using a stun gun.
Nevertheless, many restrictions also exist which are determined by the state you live in. The purpose of these restrictions is due to a stun gun being considered a dangerous weapon. With laws varying by state and local laws, there also may be license or permit requirements. The main reason being the weapons ability to cause harm, which means the state is responsible for having regulations in place and hos the regulations get enforced.
Nearly every state has defined a stun gun as being a tool used to discharge electrical shocks in order to incapacitate a person.
Legality of Stun Guns
Stun guns are not legal in all 50 states. The only states that have not legalized stun guns are Rhode Island and Hawaii. If you are not sure about the legality of stun guns in your state, then you need to check with your local government so that you have a clear definition of whether a stun gun in considered dangerous and if it is a defensive type of weapon, which is not known to cause serious harm or death.
Is A Stun Gun Permit Needed
Most states do not require a permit for a person to carry a stun gun. The only states that require a holder to have a stun gun permit include Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
Stun Guns and Minors
No state law exists where it is legal for a minor to be in possession of a stun gun. It is illegal to provide a stun gun to a minor in any circumstance if they are below 18 years old. This also includes a cell phone stun gun – the same rules apply.
Stun Gun Use in a School
Many states have also made stun gun use in schools and hospitals illegal, due to their dangerous nature. In fact, it is considered a criminal act if a person enters a school carrying a stun gun within most states. For Michigan, the state law governing stun guns has them forbidden within many others establishments besides a school, such as sports venues, churches, dormitories, bars, or stadiums. You may come across many similar laws within different states.
Stun Gun Law and Police Officers
Most states permit a police officer to carry a nonlethal stun gun. To be able to, the law enforcement officer needs to receive the proper training and be certified. This way the officer will know how to use it and when it should be used in place of their firearm.
For example, police officers in Georgia must go through a rigorous training session in order for them to be allowed to carry a stun gun. They need to be certified on its use and follow the law governing its use.
Are Stun Guns Legal To Carry
Many states consider a stun gun as being the same as a regular gun, but classified under special laws. There are many laws concerning the ownership of stun guns and the fact of a person walking around with one.
Each state has laws written concerning a stun guns legality, or keeping one in a vehicle, which each state regulates. Most states permit a civilian to be in possession of stun guns in the case of self defense. It is a good idea to check your area if you will need to be permitted for a stun gun´s use.
For travelling purposes, carrying a stun gun will be determined by the location you go to or how you plan to travel.
A good example of this involves traveling within a state of residence. You will be permitted to take your stun gun with you as well as keeping it in a hotel if you stop for a night to sleep, as a hotel is considered as a temporary home while you are away from your home.
If you plan to fly, a stun gun is permitted by TSA as long as it is within a checked baggage and not a carry-on. For state-to-state travel, you may need to have a permit prior to entering the state. Make sure to check ahead of time so you can obtain any necessary permit prior to your travels.
Summing It All Up
Generally, a state will be forgiving towards individuals who are wishing to carry a stun gun or own one for that matter. You will love the fact that almost every state has legalized their use as long as they are used for self defense. Some conditions may exist where their use is prohibited, such as using them away from your home or having one aimed towards law enforcement. It is also good to know that a stun gun´s use is only for specific purposes and if not used properly, then there could be legal repercussions to deal with.
Testing For STDs At Home
All sexually active people have to have solid strategies for protecting themselves. These should include the diligent use of protective barriers such as dental dams and condoms, as well as routine STD testing. When used together, these two methods create the most foolproof strategy available, apart from actual abstinence. Best of all, by taking advantage of innovative services and resources, it is now possible to test for STDs at home. With full-service testing kits, people can easily and affordably screen themselves for a vast range of sexually transmitted ailments. Following are five, clear benefits that these amazing systems provide.
Get Fast And Accurate Results
Among the greatest benefits of choosing to test for STDs at home are the overall convenience and accuracy of these testing solutions. When you use an at-home testing kit, all of the required materials for safely and efficiently collecting your sample will be delivered right to your door. Then, you can collect any urine, saliva or another sample that’s required and can ship this off to a top-rated lab in the included, return packaging. There’s never any need to leave your home. Moreover, the labs and testing materials that are used for these purposes are capable of delivering results with the same amount of accuracy that you’ll get when working with a local clinic.
Maintain Your Anonymity
Both the fact that you’ve chosen to take an STD test and the actual results of this test will be kept entirely private. Although all medical facilities have a strict set of privacy laws that they must adhere to, there is always the fear of running into someone you know when taking an STD test, whether this person is an actual employee of the clinic or someone you happen to bump into while sitting in the waiting room. With these systems, even your mailman won’t know what you’re up to. The entire process is designed to be comfortable and discreet.
Test Frequently
Because testing is affordable and easy, people who test for STDs at home have a better opportunity to monitor and regulate their reproductive health. Every sexual encounter places a person at risk of being exposed to an STD and thus, active adults are advised to test at least every six months. People who routinely engage in high-risk sexual activities and behaviors, however, should test at least every three. By opting to test for STDs at home, you can avoid having to take time away from work to spend time in a medical office. Access to home testing kits makes people more likely to take a proactive and responsible approach to protecting their health.
Avoid An Embarrassing Barrage Of Highly Personal Questions
When you visit a clinic for STD testing, you’re often required to take a comprehensive questionnaire concerning your recent and past sexual activities. This interview process is intended to help your doctor choose the lab work and lifestyle recommendations that are best for you. In most instances, however, this level of questions is felt both embarrassing and highly unnecessary. With home-based tests, you don’t have to divulge any information that you want to. This is merely short, seamless and incredibly straightforward process that allows you to get the answers you need within the most minimal amount of time. For those who dread going to the doctor for a reproductive health visit, home tests are a welcome relief.
Get Post-Testing Support
Those who test for STDs at home have a very broad range of home testing products and services to choose from. Moreover, there are many different types of sexually transmitted diseases that these kits can screen for. Some test chlamydia and gonorrhea, while others test for syphilis and even AIDs and HIV. There are even different levels of support that people can receive.
For tests that might have a serious impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being, testing companies often have trained counselors and physicians standing by. These professionals can help people emotionally adjust to positive test results and can even offer guidance for establishing treatment plans. Other home testing kits are provided by companies that are aligned with top-rated doctors. With these solutions, online MDs can write any necessary prescriptions for treatment so that product users never have to go to a traditional hospital at all.
What You Should Know About STDs
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can trigger major complications that include infertility. They can be transmitted during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral sex), even if, some of them are not exclusively transmitted genitally.
The AIDS virus and hepatitis B or C, for example, can be transmitted through the blood. Other diseases or infections can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. Finally, there are other modes of infrequent transmissions, such as saliva, oral-genital contact, soiled objects or towels, swimming pool, sauna and more.
If you have symptoms or if you want to be reassured by unprotected sex, you can go to a screening center or choose a doctor’s consultation. The doctor will examine you or prescribe a blood test to check if you have been infected by an STD. The screening centers also allow you to test, ensuring a high level of responsiveness and total anonymity.
Genital herpes
Genital herpes is an STD that causes painful sores on and around the genitals. Viruses of the same family cause cold sores in the mouth. There is no cure for genital herpes and wounds reappear from time to time. You must avoid sexual intercourse until their disappearance. The disease can be transmitted to sexual partners even in the absence of symptoms.
Itching or tingling of the genital area can occur a few days or a week after the sexual intercourse. Small blisters appear soon after, burst and turn into painful wounds that persist for two to four weeks. Headaches and fever sometimes accompany the first crisis. In women, wounds are usually found inside or outside the vagina, near the anus or on the thighs and buttocks. They can also infect the mouth after an oral relationship.
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, which is sometimes caused by microbes transmitted during sexual intercourse. The symptoms vary depending on the source of the infection. These include abnormal vaginal discharge and smelly, itching or pain outside or inside the vagina, redness and swelling on the outside of the vagina as well as pain during intercourse or urination (while urinating).
Possible causes include yeast or fungus infections due to pregnancy, birth control pills, diabetes or antibiotics. The same applies to trichomonas vaginalis, a microbe that is not normally found in the vagina and can spread during sexual intercourse. Men often have no symptoms and can contaminate their partner without knowing it. Some have slight penile discharge, with or without burning during urination (urinating).
Vaginitis is usually treated with creams or pills. When it is sexually transmitted, the partner must also do the treatment, even if he has no symptoms, otherwise, you may be contaminated again. Avoid wearing fitted pants, pantyhose, and synthetic undergarments until healing.
This disease can lead to serious health problems, especially in women. It can infect the baby’s eyes at birth. Symptoms usually appear three to five days after intercourse, but there may not be any. The symptoms can come in the form of a vaginal discharge, a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the abdomen, often accompanied by fever and chills.
Suffers can feel during the sexual act or notice a thick, creamy, yellow-green discharge from the penis. Affected individuals can experience pain or swelling in the testicles.
Gonorrhea is transmitted through oral, oral and anal sex. It is treated with antibiotics and when neglected, it can cause serious health problems. These include chronic pain in the lower abdomen, the spread of Falcopus tube, uterine and testicular microbes that can cause infertility, an ectopic pregnancy, and joint pain.
Syphilis is a serious disease that can affect the whole body. You can have it and spread the infection without knowing. It can cause birth defects or even death of the fetus. It is usually treated with antibiotics.
Syphilis has three stages: First stage: Non-painful wounds occur where the microbe enters the body, usually 9 to 90 days after having sex with an infected person. Wounds inside the vagina or anus may go unnoticed and disappear without treatment, but the microbe remains in the body.
Second stage: From six weeks to six months after infection, symptoms similar to flu may occur. Eruptions can appear in various parts of the body; it is possible that they disappear without treatment, but the microbe remains active. Third stage: If the disease is not treated, it can cause serious health problems, including heart disease, blindness, paralysis, brain damage, and death.
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What You Should Know About Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs in the world. Commonly known as the clap, gonorrhea is also treatable but may cause serious complications when not diagnosed in its early stages. People who have this disease also have a higher risk of developing other diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease and certain cancers. It can also increase the risk for infertility in both men and women.
Gonorrhea: Overview
Gonorrhea is an STD caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It usually spread through sexual contact, such as vaginal, anal and even oral sex. Common areas that present symptoms include the external reproductive organs, the anus, urethra, and the throat. In rare cases, symptoms manifest in the eyes. However, there are many cases when the affected person does not exhibit any symptoms. In cases like these, the person may not know that he or she is infected and passes the infection off to another person. The disease can also be transmitted from the mother to her newborn during birth.
How do you know if you have gonorrhea? The following are symptoms that may appear in women:
–pain or burning sensation during urination
–abnormal, yellowish or bloody discharge from the vagina
–bleeding when you do not have your period
–pain in the lower abdomen
The following are symptoms that may appear in men:
–pain when urinating
–white, yellow-green penile discharge
–pain or swelling in the testicles
Other symptoms include:
–pain or itching around the anus
–discharge from the anus
–pain when defecating
— a sore throat
Doctors often recommend both an injection and a round of oral antibiotics to treat the disease. The infected person may be advised to abstain from sex until the treatment is completed and repeat testing may be done to ensure that the treatment has worked. It is important to note that although completing treatment can cure gonorrhea, it cannot undo any permanent damage caused by the disease.
Importance of Early Testing
Treatment of gonorrhea is very effective. This is the reason why early testing even in persons who do not exhibit symptoms is very important. A urine test can be done to detect gonorrhea. For those who engaged in oral or anal sex, samples from the throat or the rectum may be taken to test for the disease.
Doctors may also recommend regular testing for women who are sexually active and less than 25 years old. Those with new sexual partners may also opt to get tested. Regular testing is also recommended for men who engage in same-sex intercourse.
Testing for Gonorrhea At Home
If you want to test for gonorrhea in the privacy of your home, you can opt for self-testing kits. One type of kit is a urine kit that you can use to take a urine specimen which you then send to the partner laboratory. Results usually come back 3 days after testing.
You can also opt for rapid screen test kits that can give you results in 15 minutes. These kits come with testing pads on which you apply the cotton swab that contains the sample specimen. This could be urine or any discharge coming from the vagina or the penis. The kit usually produces an accurate result after 15 minutes. The most reliable kits come with ISO and GMP certifications and are recognized by the FDA, WHO and other global organizations.
If you want to test for multiple STDs you can buy test kit packages that contain kits for chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. These packages are useful because these infections can and often occur together. Testing for all three facilitates early detection and treatment of all STDs for total treatment and recovery.
Gonorrhea is a common STD that is fortunately very treatable as long as it is detected early enough. Early detection is made easier with convenient and affordable home test kits that are easy to use and provide accurate and reliable results in as short as 15 minutes, and all within the privacy of your home. If you are worried about letting anyone else know that you may have this STD, you can still continue with detection and treatment using these kits. Visit our for more information on gonorrhea test kits to know more about your options.
Let’s Visit the Op-Sack-Lunch Site for Healthy Diet Tips
Hello, and welcome to the Op-Sack-Lunch website, where you can now find tips for YOUR healthy diet! For just one example, a lot of people think that “all calories are equal” – that is, a calorie is just that – a calorie, whether it comes from soda, pizza, or a tomato or piece of grilled fish.

Now, to some degree, as a unit of measure this may be true, but do you HONESTLY believe that if you eat only 1,000 calories every day, and each day those 1,000 calories consist of a fast food burger and fries that you are going to be as healthy as if those calories consisted of a lean protein and fresh veggie?
Hopefully you understand that the quality of calories is just as important as the quantity. The same goes for “light” and “fat-free” foods. Folks, it is time to become more aware of the importance of the quality of the food you are consuming. And, that is one of the things we aim to be talking about at this blog. Hope you come back soon!